iOS 12 on iphone 6

I have had this iphone 6 for almost four years now. And after all this time, Apple hasn't forgotten users like me. But, updating a new iOS to an almost forgotten model can be a risk. Not sure how this device will handle the most advanced iOS.


Having iphone 6 upgraded to iOS 12 though, I am glad I did. 

Today I would like to focus on two features. 

1. Do Not Disturb



We all need a moment of "Do Not Disturb" time. iOS 12 added an easier and faster way to set do not disturb. You can now easily control it by pressing the 'crescent moon'  on the control panel. Also, during 'Bedtime mode', it will not only silence the notification sounds, but it will also prevent the notifications from being displayed while you sleep. 
2. Tune your notifications


You can now choose how to receive an app's notifications. You can do this on the lock screen by swipe left on the notification, or you can go to the notification center and set it there. It gives you an option to  either 1.Deliver Quietly or 2.Turn Off...


There are other great updates too, like checking the screen time, measuring an object feature, etc. I am not sure how many more updates this iphone 6 would get, but I am glad for the faster performance each update brings.